Article The Development of Fine Motor Ability for Children with Intellectual Disabilities by Montessori Method in Learning Experience Management


  • onanong poompongthai -


The ability to use fine motor muscles, Children with intellectual disabilities, Montessori, Learning Experience Management


                    The objectives of this research was 1) To study Ability to use the fine motor skills of children with intellectual disabilities by using Montessori Method in Learning experience management 2) Compare the ability to use the fine motor skills of children with intellectual disabilities before and after using Montessori Method in Learning experience management 3) To study the satisfaction of children with intellectual disabilities by using Montessori Method in learning experience management. The samples in this research were children with mild to moderate intellectual disability, aged 3-6 years. The number of students was 5 students. The research tools consisted of: 1) Ten lesson plans using Montessori Method in Learning experience management 2) A form to assess the ability to use fine motor skills. 3) Satisfaction questionnaire of children with intellectual disabilities. The statistics used in the data analysis were mean percentage () and standard deviation (S.D) of individual children with intellectual disabilities.

                    The results of the study were as follows: 1) Ability to use the fine motor skills of children with intellectual disabilities after using Montessori Method in Learning experience management were at Very good level 2) Comparison of pre-school and post-learning achievements by using Montessori Method in Learning experience management for children with intellectual disabilities. It was found that the scores after school were higher than before. 3) The satisfaction study of children with intellectual disabilities after using Montessori Method in Learning experience management. It was found that the satisfaction level was at a high level.


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How to Cite

poompongthai, onanong. (2023). Article The Development of Fine Motor Ability for Children with Intellectual Disabilities by Montessori Method in Learning Experience Management. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 70–81. retrieved from



Research Article