article Comparison of academic achievement between Teaching with the Google Classroom system (Google Classroom) with normal teaching. of students Higher Vocational Certificate, 1st year under Vocational Education, Narathiwat Province

Graduate student, Department of Master of Education, Faculty Curriculum and Instruction, Hat Yai University. 2 Asst. Prof. (Dr.), Hat Yai University.


  • noreeda sari student


Keywords : Achievements, teaching with (Google Classroom)


This research aims to 1) To compare the learning achievement of teaching with the Google Classroom system (Google Classroom) and normal teaching in the subject 3001-1001 of Quality Management in Organizations.

 And 2) To study student satisfaction towards studying Google Classroom system, subject 3001-1001, Quality Management in Organization. The sample group used in this research It was obtained by simple random sampling, which consisted of 30 students in the first vocational certificate level at Sukhirin District Vocational Training Center in the first semester of the academic year 2019. The experiment took 9 weeks, totaling 18 hours. The samples were obtained by simple random sampling. The instruments included 1) Learning management plan for teaching with the Google Classroom system (Google Classroom) 2) Learning management plan for normal teaching 3) A test to measure learning achievement in the subject of quality management in organization, type 5 options, use the exam Go online and check your answers with Google Forms. and 4) The Google Classroom system was used to measure learning satisfaction using the Google Forms system. Statistics used in data analysis are percentage, value. mean and standard deviation

            The findings revealed as follows.

  1. The results of comparison of academic achievement before and after school Teaching with the Google Classroom system (Google Classroom) with normal teaching. of students at the Vocational Certificate level, 1st year, Sukhirin District Vocational Training Center, subject code 3001-1001, Subject Quality Management in Organizations It was found that the students who taught with the Google Classroom system, Google Classroom, had higher results than normal teaching. with an average of 6.14.
  2. Student satisfaction during study teaching with the Google Classroom system of the first year vocational certificate students is at a high level.


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How to Cite

sari, noreeda. (2023). article Comparison of academic achievement between Teaching with the Google Classroom system (Google Classroom) with normal teaching. of students Higher Vocational Certificate, 1st year under Vocational Education, Narathiwat Province: Graduate student, Department of Master of Education, Faculty Curriculum and Instruction, Hat Yai University. 2 Asst. Prof. (Dr.), Hat Yai University. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 50–59. Retrieved from



Research Article