Article The Implementation of 5E Learning Cycle Model Combination with Google Meet and Vonder Go Applications on Morbidity and Mortality in Thai Population


  • thinadda pimpuang -


5E Learning Cycle, Google Meet, Vonder go, Morbidity and Mortality in Thai Population


The objectives of this research (1) were to compare the students' learning achievements in health education courses on morbidity and mortality in Thai population, before and after the implementation of 5E learning cycle model in combination with Google Meet and Vonder go applications in learning management (2) to study the satisfaction of the implementation of 5E learning cycle model in combination with Google Meet and Vonder go applications in learning management. This research adopted the one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample was 25 grad 5students. The research instruments included the learning management plan, the satisfaction assessment and the academic achievement test. The confidence level is 0.83. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, relative growth scores and independent sample t-test statistics. The research finding showed that (1) regarding the mean scores of the academic achievement before and after the implementation of the learning management, the mean score of the pre-test was 5.28 ± 3.17, and the mean score of the post-test was 15.40 ± 2.39. That is to say, the mean score of the post-test was higher than the pre-test with a statistical significance of .05. Also, the students had an improvement of relative score of 68.75%, which was a high level (2) the students were satisfied with the learning management, which generally was at a high level (M=4.37). The point which stated that “The learning environment makes the students more enthusiastic about their studies.” had the highest mean scores, followed by “the learning management helped the students to learn and understand on their own and encouraged students to exchange knowledge and ideas.”  However, learning management affects students to understand what they can learn by themselves, increases their interest in learning, stimulates learning skills, and provides a basis for students to apply their experiences pragmatically.


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How to Cite

pimpuang, thinadda. (2023). Article The Implementation of 5E Learning Cycle Model Combination with Google Meet and Vonder Go Applications on Morbidity and Mortality in Thai Population. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 165–177. retrieved from



Research Article