Article Marketing Strategies that Influence the Decisionmaking Process of Online Fashion Clothing in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province.


  • Rawat Mantra -


Strategies, marketing, Decision Making Process, Fashionable clothes


            Marketing Strategies That Influence the Decision Making Process of Online Fashion Clothing
in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province. The objectives were 1) to study the marketing strategies that influence the decision-making process for online fashion clothing purchases. in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province, and 2) to compare marketing strategies that influence consumers' decision-making process to buy fashion clothes online In Mueang Loei District, Loei Province, a quantitative research method was used. The population used in the quantitative research was 350 people in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The quantitative data was analyzed using a ready-made computer program. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. and hypothesis testing with (T-test Independent Samples), (one-way ANOVA F-test), and test for individual differences using the LSD method.

               The research found that the most average aspect is product, followed by market promotion. The lowest average comment is personal information protection, the decision-making process of consumers to buy fashionable clothes online. The results show that the most average aspect is the understanding of demand, followed by decision-making, and the lowest average aspect is. Post purchase behavior, the comparison results of different factors will affect the opinion level of marketing strategies that affect the decision-making process of fashion clothing purchase. LINE found no difference in gender, but also in age, education level, status, occupation and average monthly income. 0.05 level statistical significance. 


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How to Cite

Mantra, R. (2023). Article Marketing Strategies that Influence the Decisionmaking Process of Online Fashion Clothing in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 204–219. retrieved from



Research Article