Article Factors Affecting consumers ‘decision to buy frozen food in a new Normal of life In Mueang district, Loei province


  • Pantawan Butdeesuwan -


Decision-making factors, Frozen Food, New Normal


A study on factors affecting consumers' decision to buy frozen food in a new normal of life in Muang District, Loei Province, was a quantitative research.  The purpose of this study was to study the value factors in frozen food brands and to study the marketing mix factors that affect the decision to purchase frozen sections.  The population used in the study was 300 people using a questionnaire as a research tool.  The random sampling methods were 1) random sampling by geography 2) simple random sampling 3) selecting the sampling group by simple sampling statistics were used for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation using inferential statistic, t-test and f-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)

The results showed that most of the respondents were female, persons, aged between 21-30 years old, studying at the level of high school/high school diploma most occupations are students/students monthly income 10,001-20,000 baht, single status.  The value factor in the frozen food brand was in the overall opinion at the highest level when considering each aspect, it was found that the awareness aspect perceived the existence of the product.  The average is at a high level followed by brand loyalty and the lowest mean is the relationship with the brand as for the marketing mix factor, 5P's frozen food had the greatest effect on the overall purchase decision.  Considering each aspect, it was found that marketing promotion has the greatest influence on purchasing decisions followed by the marketing mix factor, 5P's, promotion has the most influence on decision making.  As for the packaging, the marketing ingredient factor 5P's frozen food has the lowest impact on purchasing decisions.


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How to Cite

Butdeesuwan, P. (2023). Article Factors Affecting consumers ‘decision to buy frozen food in a new Normal of life In Mueang district, Loei province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 220–233. retrieved from



Research Article