Article Needs Assessment of the additional Physical Education courses Competency-Base to Enhance exercise skills for health for upper Secondary School Students.


  • Hanafee Yeesunsong -


Needs Assessment, Physical Education, Exercise skills for Health



This research aims to A study of the needs and requirements of additional physical education courses on competency-based exercises to enhance the health exercise skills of upper secondary school students. There were 4 steps in this research: 1) defining the relevant groups: 172 secondary physical education teachers and 479 high school students; 2) determining the data collection method. Data were collected from a sample group of physical education teachers at the secondary level. and high school students under the Office of Secondary Education Bangkok by surveying the necessary needs. 3) Determine the tools for collecting data. By collecting data with a dual-response questionnaire. (Dual response) 4) data analysis by averaging the current condition and the expected condition and using the Priority Needs Index (PNI).

1) The results of the assessment of the need for additional physical education courses to promote exercise for health must be summarized into 2 points as follows.

1.1) The results of the assessment of the needs of physical education teachers at the highest secondary level were measurement and evaluation. Tracking the performance of exercise skills for health after studying physical education, followed by content, principles of training and development of resistance exercise.

1.2) The results of the needs assessment of upper secondary school students were the content aspect. Contents and methods of stretching exercises that affect human body physiology, followed by objective setting. Establishing objectives, having a good attitude toward aerobic exercise resistance exercise, and stretching exercises


Keywords: Needs Assessment, Physical Education, Exercise skills for Health


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How to Cite

Yeesunsong, H. (2023). Article Needs Assessment of the additional Physical Education courses Competency-Base to Enhance exercise skills for health for upper Secondary School Students. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 267–279. Retrieved from



Research Article