Educational administration Challenges Pathways to Modification amid COVID-19 Era


  • Musakkid Himphinit -


Education, Administration, Curriculum, Technology Apps, Parent, Covid-19


The world and citadels of learning are not prepared for the pandemic experiencing that serves as superfluous challenge to-date in education industries. In the course of covid-19 pandemic, curriculum is lacking revision, teaching-learning and teachers’ new strategies are yet to be known, home and family influence are other challenges towards educational goals achievement. Early diagnosis and remedy was partially found in order to bring the students and teachers back into learning field as it was before. Likewise, medical and health officers were burst into serious research and educational researchers are of efficient to find the lasting solution in order to back the students into school. Unfortunately, the increase rate of the pandemic is beyond a nation’s effort. Although, the idea of technology Apps (Applications) involvement is truly came in as one of the answer towards learning challenges amid of Covid-19 era but poor economy overrule the uses of internet data among Nigerian parents. However, Mixed-Method was employed in this research which involves administrators for qualitative interview while quantitative method involves 156; teachers, aspiring teachers and schools’ administrators with Cronbach alpha α=0.891. Findings reveal that modification is required participate in workshop by the teachers, constant monitoring of students and uses of technological Apps as added advantage amid Covid-19 Era. Nevertheless, numbers of recommendations and important suggestions were ideal while monitoring as directed by the Nigeria Center for Disease Control included.


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How to Cite

Himphinit, M. (2023). Educational administration Challenges Pathways to Modification amid COVID-19 Era. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 280–290. retrieved from



Research Article