Al - Khateeb Albagdadi : An Expertist in the context of Al-Hadith


  • Mawaddah Japakiya -
  • ยูหารี มะเซ่ง
  • ฟาตีฮะห์ จะปะกียา
  • สิริวรรณ ขุนดำ
  • อับดุลฟัตตาห์ จะปะกียา


Hadith is not just a part of theoretical Islamic studies. But it is also the tradition and way of life of Islamic scholars that is based on the transmission of reports from living texts. It reflects the Qur'an that moves the life and spirit of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). As a Hadith scholar, it is necessary to rely on ethical principles. Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi was an Islamic scholar in the eleventh century who initiated the writing of a treatise that compiled a code of conduct consisting of ethical principles, manners, discipline, and the cultivation of knowledge in the personality. and has become the basis of Islamic academics with a clear civilizational identity.


Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, 1417/1997, Tarikh Baghdad, Beirut , Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah.

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Az-zahabi , 1419/1998 ,Tazkirah Al-huffaz , Beirut, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah.

Ibnu Solah , 1406/1986 , Ma’rifah anwa’Ulummul Hadis ( Mukaddimah Ibnu Solah ) , Damasqus , Dar Al-fikir.

Mahmud Tohhan , 1401/1981 , Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi wa Asarihi Fi Ulumil Hadis , Beirut Dar Al-quran.

Yusuf Al-Ush, 1945 , Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, Muarrikh Baghdad wa Muhaddithuha, Damasqus , Al-Taraqqi.




How to Cite

Japakiya, M., มะเซ่ง ย. ., จะปะกียา ฟ. ., ขุนดำ ส., & จะปะกียา อ. . (2024). Al - Khateeb Albagdadi : An Expertist in the context of Al-Hadith. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(26), 131–139. Retrieved from



Research Article