The Development of a Collaborative Network for Developing Out of School Learning Resources among Islamic Private Schools in Saiburi District, Pattani Province


  • ดานียา มาแจ -
  • ซัมซู สาอุ


Collaborative Network, Out of School Learning Resources, Islamic Private school, Saiburi District


The objectives of this research and development research are 1) to develop a training package for teachers to create a collaborative network to develop out-ofschool learning resources for Islamic private schools in Saiburi District, Pattani Province, and 2) to examine the results of using this proposed training package.  The samples were 8 secondary school teachers in 4 private Islamic schools under Salindong Bayu school group, Saiburi District, Pattani Province. The research instruments comprised a training package consisting of training plans and the training satisfaction questionnaire.  The results show that (1) the training package was developed under the concept of shura and jamaah which consisted of a 6-step process: awareness of the need for network building, coordination step of organization/network organization, covenantmaking, network management, relationship development, and maintain the relationship, and (2) teachers were able to develop a Saiburi city walk guide book for the students which comprised of 4 activities namely:  visit the palace (istana raja),  taste the food (cuba makan), build relationships (kawan kita), create a multicultural society (saleng budaya).  Furthermore, teachers were satisfied with participating in the activities at a high level. 


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How to Cite

มาแจ ด., & สาอุ ซ. . (2024). The Development of a Collaborative Network for Developing Out of School Learning Resources among Islamic Private Schools in Saiburi District, Pattani Province . Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(26), 180–196. retrieved from



Research Article