Problem and Operation Promote the Quality of Life of Elderly Muslim : A Case Study Rusamilae Community


  • ศักรินทร์ ชนประชา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี
  • ฉัตรธิดา คงหยู มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี
  • พิชญา ชนประชา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


problematic condition, operation, quality of life of elderly Muslim


Sakkarin  Chonpracha, Chatthida Yukhong and Pitchaya Chonpracha


The main purposes of this research were to

  1. Study the problems in life of the elderly Muslims in the Rusamilae community in six aspects.
  2. A study of the operational conditions for improving the quality of life of the Muslim elderly of government agencies in five aspects.

Population used in the operation according to Objective 1 was 1,589 elderly Muslims from six villages. The sample size is determined. Krejcie & Morgan sample size was 310 people.

Target group used in the operation according to the second objective, namely professional nurses, Rusamilae municipal officials, village health volunteers, family volunteers, village headmen and representatives of religious leaders (Islamic headman of Rusamilae mosque ) 18 people.

Research Instrument used to collect data were the questionnaire on lifestyle problems of the elderly Muslims and the observation form.

Statistics used for data analysis were basic statistics, percentage, mean () and standard deviation (S.D.). Reliability, Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient Various data were analyzed in the form of descriptive, content analysis.

          The results of the research showed that the problems of life in the 6 aspects of Rusamilae community were found that the overall problems in all aspects were at a high level. The aspect with lifestyle problems at the high level had the highest mean value. The aspect of perception of information and information of the elderly ( = 4.18), while the aspect with low level of life problems, the lowest average was the aspect of community interaction ( = 2.44).

 The results of the study of operational conditions on promoting the quality of life of the Muslim elderly in Rusamilae communities of government agencies in five aspects showed that the operational management and care for promoting the quality of life of the Muslim elderly in Rusamilae communities was adheres to the budget, adheres to the roles and responsibilities of the agency.

There are quite a few job integrations. In the preparation of various plans/projects, people do different things, lack of participation in the integration of work together. Regarding the implementation of various plans/projects, different people do different things, lacking the integration of management together.

On the personal side, there was a change in working behavior. Separation of duties according to aptitude listen to other people's opinions, making decisions together, working as a team, integrated management. There is a joint management in terms of information, inputs, budgets, personnel, locations, and duties.


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How to Cite

ชนประชา ศ., คงหยู ฉ. . ., & ชนประชา พ. (2023). Problem and Operation Promote the Quality of Life of Elderly Muslim : A Case Study Rusamilae Community. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 149–164. Retrieved from



Research Article