Development guidelines, Leadership, NeedsAbstract
The objectives of this research are 1) to study the current condition. Desired conditions and necessary needs of academic leadership of middle school administrators, Songming District, Yunnan Province 2) To propose guidelines for the development of academic leadership of middle school administrators, Songming District. Ming, Yunnan Province, population and sample in this research There are 811 teachers in junior high schools in Songming District, Yunnan Province. The sample size was determined using the table. Krejcie and Morgan's model yielded a sample size of 260 people. The tool used in the research was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire, namely the current condition questionnaire. Desired conditions of executive academic leadership There is a consistency index between 0.60 - 1.00 and a confidence value of the questionnaire equal to 0.88 and a confidence value of the questionnaire equal to 0.93. Data were collected from a total of 245 respondents, representing a rate of 94.23 percent and used semi-structured interviews with 5 experts. Statistics used in data analysis includePercentile, Means,Standard Deviation and use the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified) technique to prioritize needs.
The research results found that 1) Current condition, desired condition of the academic leadership of middle school administrators in Songming District, Yunnan Province. Overall, the current condition has an overall value at a high level. As for the desired condition It has the highest level of total value. When analyzing Necessary needs of academic leadership development of middle school administrators, Songming District, Yunnan Province. Overall, it was found that school administrators have the following necessary needs for development: No. 1, development. Learning resources, media, and creating an atmosphere for learning are No. 2 in the area of administration in organizing teaching and learning, No. 3 in educational supervision, No. 4 in the area of managing the use of the curriculum, and No. 5 in setting mission goals. schools and 2) Guidelines for developing academic leadership of middle school administrators, Songming District, Yunnan Province, with 3 areas, 10 characteristics.
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