The Development of Memorizing Al-Quran with Meaning by Using Infographic Media for Secondary Islamic School Students, Year 1


  • Adul Mahamid Yala Rajabaht University
  • Muhammadtolan Kaemah


Memorizing, Al-Quran, with, Meaning, Infographic, Media.



             The objectives of this research were to Objectives  1)  create and determine the development of memorizing Al-Quran with meaning by using infographic media for secondary Islamic school students, year 1 according to the 70/70 quality criteria, 2) Study the skill of memorizing Al-Quran with meaning by using infographic media for secondary Islamic school students, year 1  3) Compare the learning achievement of the memorizing Al-Quran with meaning by using infographic media for secondary Islamic school students, year 1, and 4) Study the satisfaction of the secondary Islamic school students, year 1 The target group were 24 students studying at Prichayan Witthaya school, semester 1 of the academic year 2023. The research tools consisted of 1) Infographic media 2) Memorizing Al-Quran skill quiz 3) 40 items with 4 multiple choice pre and post achievement tests, and 4) A questionnaire concerning the students' satisfaction toward the learning by using infographic media. The data will be analyzed and statically shown in percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

             Research findings  1. The development of memorizing Al-Quran with meaning by using infographic media for secondary Islamic school students, year 1 was equal to E1/E2 = 70.83/81.37  2. The skill of memorizing the Al-Quran with meaning by using infographic media for secondary Islamic school students, year 1 passed at the criteria of 72.52 percent. 3. The academic achievement of the students who learnt by using infographic media had higher percentage of the post-instruction than that of the preinstruction at 63.75 and 73.95 respectively. 4. The students’ satisfaction with learning through infographic media was   at the level of “very much” with the average score of 4.67


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How to Cite

Mahamid, A., & Kaemah, M. . . . (2024). The Development of Memorizing Al-Quran with Meaning by Using Infographic Media for Secondary Islamic School Students, Year 1. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 14(27), 91–107. Retrieved from