The Development of Al-Quran Recitation Skill through CIRC Technique Using Electronic Book for Intermediate Islamic Studies Stage Students, Year 2


  • Rusna Hayee-awae Yala Rajabaht University
  • Abdulramae Sulong


Al-Quran Recitation Skill, CIRC Technique, Electronic Book




 The purposes of the research were 1) to develop and determine the efficiency of the lesson plans of Al-Quran recitation skill through CIRC technique using  electronic book, 2) to compare the reading skill between pre-test and post-test achievements for intermediate Islamic studies stage students, year 2, 3) to study the  achievements of intermediate Islamic studies stage students using CIRC technique between pre-test and post-test, and 4) to study the students’ satisfaction towards instruction by using CIRC technique. The samples of this research were 23 intermediate Islamic studies stage students, year 2 of Prichayan Wittaya School in the second semester, academic year 2022. The research instruments were 1) the six lesson plans on Al-Quran recitation skill through CIRC technique using electronic book, 2) a 30-question of learning achievement test, 3) reading skill assessment form, and 4) the satisfaction questionnaire of students towards Al-Quran recitation skill through CIRC technique using electronic book. The statistics used in this research were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-Test.

The results of this research were as follows;

  1. The efficiency of the lesson plans of Al-Quran recitation skill through CIRC technique using electronic book was equal to 82.02/93.11 which was higher than the predetermined criterion 80/80.
  2. The reading skill achievements of intermediate Islamic studies stage students, year 2 between pre-test and post-test were different, which the
    post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores.
  3. The students’ achievements between pre-test and post-test were different which the post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores at statistical significance level of 0.05.
  4. The students’ satisfactionof Al-Quran recitation skill through CIRC technique using lesson plans was at a high level.



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How to Cite

Hayee-awae, R., & Sulong, A. (2024). The Development of Al-Quran Recitation Skill through CIRC Technique Using Electronic Book for Intermediate Islamic Studies Stage Students, Year 2. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 14(27), 49–60. retrieved from