Islamic Economic Affects Foundation of Entrepreneurs Understanding of Halal Business and Human Resource Development


  • tosaporn mahamud kasembundit University


The article objective describes economics and the most valuable use of resources. Literature and relevant contexts in the Islamic Business Invention World 2022 Recognize and understand Islamic principles by conducting a study of 18research papers related to the implementation of Islamic business practices that have an important impact on Islamic business practices. It continues to create an understanding of entrepreneurship and Islamic principles that apply to all ages. transaction operations Islamic finance Personnel Management art of coexistence social activity principles involvement in politics This article can enhance the understanding of entrepreneurs to operate their business in order to make profits right in the principles of strengthening and growing entrepreneurs.

Author Biography

tosaporn mahamud, kasembundit University

kasembundit University


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How to Cite

mahamud, tosaporn. (2023). Islamic Economic Affects Foundation of Entrepreneurs Understanding of Halal Business and Human Resource Development. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 96–107. Retrieved from



Research Article