The Core Competencies of Graduates in B.B.A for the Service Sectors in Thailand
Core Competencies, Service Sector, Business Administration, Mixed Method, ThailandAbstract
The purposes of the research were to investigate and create a model of corecompetencies of business administration graduates who work in service sectors in Thailand. This study applieda Mixed Method Research Design in order to investigate the core competencies of businessadministration graduates who work in service sectors in Thailand. At the beginning, usinga qualitative research approach by interviewing 20 experts in the service business, qualitative datacollection was achieved through this approach. Next, the researcher generated opinions to establisha questionnaire for the quantitative approach. Confi rm Factor analysis was also used to prove thereliability of each item on the questionnaire. The sampling data from the respondents was usedsystematically under the quantitative method with the aim to determine the competencies of B.B.A. graduateswho are currently working in business service sectors. There were 381 respondents. The initial data analysis wasfrequency distribution and percentage of initial data. The researcher used Mean (), StandardDeviation (SD), Shewness and Kustosis, then compared the results of the mean of Manifest variables thatmeasure latent variables of the core competencies of B.B.A. graduates. Correlation analysis result amongobservable variables which gained 17 and confi rmatory factor analysis with LISREL via the corecompetencies of B.B.A. graduates. Finally, test for goodness of fi t between the models of core competencies ofgraduates. The research results are summarized as follows: An overview of the model of core competenciesof B.B.A graduates. Graduates for service sectors in Thailand were fi tted with empirical data consideringChi-square=70.45, df = 61, p = 0.191, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.95. This model is the K-SEA Model. Thereare four themes: (1) Knowledge, (2) Skills, (3) Abilities, and (4) Ethics. There are three implications forpractices: (1) Implications for Competency criteria of B.B.A graduates; (2) Implications for Guidelinesfor B.B.A students to prepare themselves; (3) Implications for Guidelines for educational policy makers,especially in the Thai Qualifi cations Framework for Higher Education (TQF:HEd).
Keywords : Core Competencies, Service Sector, Business Administration, Mixed Method, Thailand
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