Causal Model Affecting the Graduation of Doctoral Educational Administration Graduates Faculty of Education Burapha University
Factors Affecting Graduation, Ph.D. students, Educational administration, Burapha UniversityAbstract
The aims of this research were: to develop a causal model affecting the graduation of Doctoral Educational Administration graduates of the Faculty of Education at Burapha University, and to test the model that corresponds the causal model and results for affecting the graduation of Doctoral Educational Administration graduates of the Faculty of Education at Burapha University with empirical data. The sample group, which was used in this study, was Ph.D. graduates from the Department of Educational Administration of the Faculty of Education at Burapha University from the academic years 2002-2021, and consisted of 100 people by simple random sampling. The variables used in this research consisted of 5 latent variables: student characteristics, the role of the thesis advisor, facilities and research, course management, teaching and learning management, and graduation effectiveness. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire with a precision of 0.883 to 0.968. Data were analyzed using basic statistical analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, and the results of the model data analysis by Amos program. The results of the research were shown as follows: (1) A causal model affecting the graduation of doctoral students of the Department of Educational Administration of the Faculty of Education at Burapha University. The variables had a statistically significant influence size at the .05 level including the characteristics of students and the role of the thesis advisor. As for the facilities and research resources, curriculum management, and teaching and learning management were not statistically significant. (2) The correspondence analysis of the causal model affecting the graduation of doctoral students of the Department of Educational Administration at Burapha University found that the causal model affected the graduation of doctoral students. The model was consistent with the empirical data with a chi-square (χ2) of 122.153 degrees of freedom 101 at a probability level (P) of 0.075, CFI = 0.978, TLI = 0.971, and RMR = 0.026.
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