The Development of Creative Writing using the writing process for 6th Grade Students through online learning at Piboonbumpen Demonstration School


  • Rapin Chuchuen -
  • Kobkul Jaikwang Satit Piboonbumpen School
  • Waree Wongkunned Faculty of Education , Vongchavalitkul University


Writing is a critical skill for anyone who learns to communicate. And careers need to develop writing skills. Teaching writing must have a process or procedure. And Reims' Writing Model in teaching is one of the teaching processes that improve students' writing.The goals of this study were to 1) compare whether students' creative writing skills improved after adopting the writing process of sixth-graders through online learning and 2) examine sixth-grade students' attitudes toward the growth of creative writing through the use of online learning. A sample group of 28 sixth-grade students was selected using a purposive sampling method. The tools used for collecting data are lesson plans and an ability test for creative writing skills, consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions and interviews—the dependent t-test for dependent samples. Students' opinions for developing writing from interviews use content analysis, frequency distribution, and percentage (%) to measure students' ideas.
1. According to the statistically significant results, the students' creative writing abilities improved due to applying the writing process to sixth-grade students through online learning. 01 2. The results of the analysis of the interviews of grade 6 students can be summarized as follows: 1) Most students agreed that employing Reims' writing model to teach creative writing was compelling. Since there are procedures for writing that students have practiced, the post-writing tasks were written and evaluated by students. And with online writing instruction, students write well. 2) Most students have mastered the skill of writing, have done so, and can evaluate their work after doing so. 3) Practice writing in the online classroom, searching, being confident when commenting, writing, speaking, answering questions, and writing confidently. 4) Students know the aspects of the writing lesson they enjoy, the material they are learning, and how they might use it in the real world. 5) Most students prefer online teaching methods for creative writing due to the convenience of the learning resources utilized for instruction, searching, and technology use. On the other hand, some students had no printer, Wi-Fi was slow, and the internet had no signal.


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How to Cite

Chuchuen, R., Jaikwang, K. . ., & Wongkunned, W. (2023). The Development of Creative Writing using the writing process for 6th Grade Students through online learning at Piboonbumpen Demonstration School. HRD Journal, 13(2), 40–55. Retrieved from