Classroom Research: Challenging Experiences of Teachers Teaching Foreign Language in One Private School in Rayong Province, Thailand
foreign language teachers, difficult experience, challenging experience, classroom researchAbstract
This study was designed to understand the difficult experiences of the teachers conducting classroom research and the steps they follow to do it. To reveal the difficulties that teachers faced and the necessary support various people within the school should offer to assist teachers in enhancing their classroom research journey. This study is a qualitative study applying a Phenomenological research strategy. Twelve Thai foreign language teachers (Chinese, English, and Japanese), who have at least two years of teaching experience in a selected sizeable private school in Rayong, Thailand were participants in this study. Purposive sampling was applied to identify the informants. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews. To code and categorize the obtained data systematically, this study followed the steps of data analysis proposed by Moustakas (1994), ATLAS.ti, which is the qualitative software for data analysis, was executed. This study reports four perspectives of foreign language teachers towards conducting classroom research; Six steps the foreign language teachers took when conducting their classroom research; About 12 types of difficulties found when foreign languages teachers conducted classroom research and three kinds of techniques to minimize the challenges while conducting classroom research.
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