(Knowledge Management on Group Management According to Creative Economy Concept to Create added value for Samakkee Organic Farming Community Enterprise Group in MaeFahLuang Sub-district MaeFahLuang District Chiang Rai Province)
Knowledge Management, Management, Creating Added ValueAbstract
The objectives of this study were to manage Community Enterprise Group knowledge and concepts, as well as to add value to agricultural wastes from the Samakkhi Organic Agriculture Community Enterprise, MaeFahLuang Sub-district Farm. Data were collected from 20 leaders and group members, as well as from community members and government officials, using interview forms, group discussion guidelines, and workshops. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that:
Knowledge management in the group aimed to manage knowledge from the group leader, who has the knowledge to produce organic fertilizer tablets and add the necessary knowledge to be used in his own agricultural plots and among his members. The goal was to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, reduce production costs, and reduce the burning of agricultural waste, which affects the health and environment in the community. Therefore, the concept of increasing the value of agricultural waste was used to make organic fertilizer pellets for use in production and products for sale in the community and nearby communities. Regarding the management of the group, it aimed to produce organic fertilizers for members to use in agricultural fields. Take note of the changes that have occurred to share and learn together. There was a clearly defined group office to establish an organizational structure. In addition, the group committee determined the direction of the group, defined group products, controlled activities, and scheduled a meeting to exchange knowledge on the production system and identify problems and obstacles to achieving the goal of becoming an organic community in the future.
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