A Study of the Problems and Needs of Computer Center in School Case Study: Phitsanulok Province


  • Pichayapha Yuangsoi Faculty of Education, Naresuan University


Problems and Needs, computer center, Phitsanulok


This research aims to study the condition of problems and needs assessment of computer centers in school Phitsanulok Province. Information sources include: teacher in Phitsanulok Province. There were 22 people, which were obtained through quota selection, which were qualified to be a mentor teachers of teaching professional training student computer department Which was assigned to take care of the computer center in school. Tools used in this research Questionnaire type, 5-level rating scale, and statistics used in the research include mean, percentage, standard deviation and content analysis. 1. The overall problem situation of computer centers in educational institutions is at a moderate level, when considering the size of the school, it was found that large and extra-large schools There is a low level of problem. and small and medium-sized schools the problem is at a moderate level.
2. The need for budget allocation for computer center services has the most valuable, followed by modern basic software programs, hardware equipment and peripherals, and organizing a systematic organizational structure, creating a manual for organizing training activities, respectively.


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How to Cite

Yuangsoi, P. (2024). A Study of the Problems and Needs of Computer Center in School Case Study: Phitsanulok Province. HRD Journal, 15(2), 110–124. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRDJ/article/view/272468