Competency Development of School Administrators and Teachers in Managing Alternative Education of School Affiliated Chiang Mai Municipality
Competency, School Administrators, Teacher, Alternative Education, Chiang Mai MunicipalityAbstract
The objectives of this research were (1) to study the competency components of school administrators and teachers according to the alternative education concept in schools under Chiang Mai City Municipality, (2) to study guidelines for developing competencies of school administrators and teachers according to the alternative education concept in schools under Chiang Mai City Municipality, and (3) to examine and evaluate the guidelines for developing competencies of school administrators and teachers according to the alternative education concept in schools under Chiang Mai City Municipality. The research methodology consisted of (1) studying the competency components of school administrators and teachers according to the alternative education concept through document synthesis, (2) studying guidelines for developing competencies of administrators and teachers according to the alternative education concept in schools under Chiang Mai City Municipality using a 4-level rating scale questionnaire with a population of 22 school administrators and 241 teachers, along with structured interviews of 8 school administrators and teachers, and (3) examining and evaluating the feasibility and usefulness of the competency development guidelines for school administrators and teachers according to the alternative education concept, with a sample of 68 stakeholders as evaluators. Statistics used for data analysis included percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation. The research findings revealed that the competency components of school administrators according to the alternative education concept consisted of 6 competencies: (1) strategic thinking, (2) school management, (3) academic leadership, (4) networking and participation, (5) student care and support, and (6) innovation creation and technology use. The competency components for teachers consisted of 6 competencies: (1) teacher professionalism, (2) alternative education curriculum design, (3) learning management design, (4) media and technology use, (5) care for specific target groups of children, and (6) community relationship building. The development methods for school administrators and teachers with the highest usefulness and feasibility were knowledge management and information technology use, self-assessment and development, and collaborative networking. The activities with the lowest usefulness and feasibility were mentoring systems, coaching, and study visits.
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