Socio-Cultural Dynamic in the Dimension of Holistic Human Development in Thai Society

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พงษ์ทัช จิตวิบูลย์
วันชัย ธรรมสัจการ


All societies in the world must go through the process of social and cultural change. But it is noteworthy that globally, cultural society has evolved in the same direction. The emphasis is on the economy as a driving force in developing society, coined as ‘Westernization’. However, the focus of development has been on capitalism to the detriment of social and cultural development being taken seriously. The world view and ideology that determines the human action framework are evolving to turn back the focus to the importance of ‘people’ or human capital.  However, human capital development must be holistic, coupled with sustainable social development, including of biology, psychology and social systems. The nation is leading economic development for the peace of people who are central to the development and who must keep pace with future changes.

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Academic Articles
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พงษ์ทัช จิตวิบูลย์

Master student of Human and Social Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus


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