Causal Relationship Model of Factors Related to Effectiveness of Working Team in Hospitals

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เขมญา คินิมาน
นุจรี ภาคาสัตย์
นริศ เพ็ญโภไคย


This study aimed to study and examine the congruence of causal relationship model of factors which lead to increasing effectiveness of teamwork in hospitals and empirical data by applying the quantitative method in this research. The researcher collected information from department managers and chief executives in JCI-accredited hospitals. The sample group composed of 310 persons. Data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed with structural equation modeling.

The result shown that (1) transformational leadership had an influence on team empowerment;  transformational leadership and team empowerment had an influence on team innovative behavior; diverse team, transformational leadership, team empowerment, and team innovative behavior had an influence on team effectiveness, whilst diverse team had no influence on team empowerment and team innovative behavior; (2) causal relationship model of factors of a diverse team, transformational leadership, team empowerment, and team innovative behavior affects team effectiveness shown a congruence with empirical data which implied that it is applicable in the real-life situation. In this study, the chi-square was 56.61, the degree of freedom (df) was 71, the p-value was 0.893; the chi-square relative (chi-square/df) was 0.797, GFI was 0.980, AGFI was 0.952 and RMSEA was 0.000. All variables in the model could be used to describe team empowerment, team innovative behavior and team effectiveness at 35.90%, 40.70% and 22.40%, respectively.

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