Relationships between Leader-Member Exchange and Employee Creativity The Sequential Mediating Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Intrinsic Motivation

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Suparak Futemwong
Tassanee Homklin


The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships between leader-member exchange and creativity through the mediating roles of psychological empowerment and intrinsic motivation. The sample used in this study was 395 operating employees in private companies, Chiang Mai province. The reliability of alpha coefficient of each measure was between .74 to .95. Goodness of Fit of the hypothesis model and data collected was analyzed with path analysis by using maximum likelihood estimation.

The results showed that leader-member exchange has a positive relationship with creativity through psychological empowerment and intrinsic motivation (p < .001) (Sequential Mediation). The suggestions for future research, this study was collected data by using a self-report from employees. It might be received information in only one side from the subordinate. Therefore, future research should collect data from both leaders and subordinates to compare data from both sides. In addition, future research might examine other variables that related to leadership (e.g. transformational leadership and transactional leadership). And the sample should be different and more specific career. In order to know more about the factors that will be cause of creativity and increase employee creativity.

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