Innovating Development of Quality of Working Life at the Rajavithi Hospital

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Sombat Kusumavalee


The innovative development of quality of employees’ working life at the Rajavithi hospital was part of a research project aiming to improving the quality of working life in the context of a large public hospital. The research was conducted over a period of eight months, since November 2018 to July 2019. The research methodology was a mixed method which combined a couple of opposing organization development concepts, that is, an action research and an appreciative inquiry. The results was found that, the supporting factors of quality of working life consisted of five elements, which are, (1) designing sensible process of diagnosis made it possible to (2) uncover the factors that hindered the employees’ happiness (Pain Points) and the factors that created employees’ happiness (Joy Points). Consequently, it led to (3) the design and implementation of projects and activities to promote the quality of working life appropriately. (4) The lively process of participation of employees at all levels was an important supporting factor. Plus, executives, happiness agents and human resource department were key actors who plays an integral part of this project. (5) The communication within the organization, not only to understand all aspects of the projects goals and progress but to push employees' self-improvement for increasing the quality of working life consistently, was a vital factor.

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