Antecedent Factors for Collective Leadership Development in Social Enterprise Management: Case Studies of Thai Social Enterprises

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Tharinee Suratpipit
Chartchai Na Chiangmai


This study aims to explore perceived meaning and the antecedent factors that foster collective leadership development (CLD) for social enterprise management (SEM). The qualitative research approach was employed and three listed companies in Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) were recruited in the study to explore how social enterprise management has been conducted in private sectors. Sixteen participants were selected for the interview based on purposive and snowball sampling. Findings revealed that SEM required to have people with skills, continuous process improvement and clear sense of purpose as the foundation for success. Four antecedent factors consisted of leader capability, collaborative network, organization culture and collective learning were found to have positive relationship to CLD. Findings also stated that leadership empowerment, continuous learning, supportive coaching and monitoring system and having climate for change were accelerating factors for CLD. In conclusion, there will be an exigent demanding for organizations, especially social enterprises, to call for collective leadership as a new way for leadership management. As social enterprises aim to create sustainable impacts through achieving triple bottom line including financial, social and environmental; therefore, it is crucial to have a platform that enable CLD and practices in the organizations.

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