Human Resource Development Factors and Organisational Values for Sustainable Employment in a Local Thai NGO

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Oranuch Pruetipibultham
Pinthip Chockchaipattana
Siriporn Yamnill


This study explores the human resource development and certain human resource management practices that affect employee engagement in a specific organisational context—a Thai non-governmental organisation (NGO) named the Pid Thong Lang Phra Foundation. This exploratory research used a conceptual framework comprising three variables: 1) organisational values modified from Rokeach’s (1973) classic theory of values, 2) human resource functions (i.e. training and development, recruitment and selection, evaluation and performance management, and compensation and benefits), and 3) Aon Hewitt’s (2015) employee engagement model. A qualitative research method was adopted in this study. In-depth interviews were conducted with 11 respondents who worked at the Pid Thong Lang Phra Foundation in four different geographical locations in Thailand: a northern province (Nan), a north-eastern province (Udonthani), a southern province (Narathiwat), and Bangkok. The results revealed that organisational values lead to a strong work culture and sustainable employment, as these values affect how employees perceive and perform their jobs. In addition, the person–organisation fit variables observed in the human resource development and human resource management processes appeared to be the factors that have retained employees in this local Thai NGO.

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