The Antecedents and Consequences of Dynamic Talent Management Capabilities: An Empirical Evidence of Innovation-driven Enterprises in Thailand

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Khomkrit Nantharojphong
Viroj Jadesadalug
Jantana Sansook


This research aimed to test the antecedents and consequences of Dynamic Talent Management Capabilities (DTMC) of the Innovation-driven Enterprises in Thailand. This study was a quantitative research. The sample consisted of 374 CEO or human resource manager of innovation-driven enterprises in Thailand. Questionnaires were used for data collection. Data analyses were conducted by using structural equation model analysis. The research results revealed that the causal relationship model showed a congruence with empirical data. Hypotheses test revealed that 1) the DTMC had significantly positive influenced on the Outstanding Knowledge Management, Innovation Development Capabilities, and Sustainable Competitive Advantage. 2) The Outstanding Knowledge Management and Innovation Development Capabilities had significantly positive influence on Sustainable Competitive Advantage, and they were mediator between DTMC and Sustainable Competitive Advantage. 3) The Outstanding Knowledge Management had significantly positive influence on Innovation Development Capabilities. Furthermore, 4) Transformational Leadership, Adaptive Organizational Culture, and Employment Branding had significantly positive influence on the DTMC.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Khomkrit Nantharojphong , Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


Education: M.S. Administration Technology (Honors)

School of HRD, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), THAILAND.

Position: Lecturer in Department of Management

Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology

Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok
Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth Campus, Bangkok, Thailand


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