Application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) of Local Administrative Organization (LAO) for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of LAOs in West Central Area A Case Study of LAOs in West Central Area
Main Article Content
This research article aimed to study the level of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP.) of Local Administrative Organizations (LAO.) and to synthesize key success factor of enhancing SEP application level. 24 LAOs from 11 provinces were selected as samples by purposive sampling. This study incorporated the following tools in data collection process; document analysis, focus group discussion, in-depth interviews, opinion survey, observation, eavesdropping and empirical evidence.
The major findings show that 5 agencies are at the top level, called “Inspiration”; Hua-Hin Town Municipality, Bang Si Thong Subdistrict Municipality, Bang khonthi, Ban nai dong, and Wat khae Subdistrict Administrative Organization. 13 agencies are at the second level, “Comprehension,” 4 agencies are at the basic level, “Partial Practice”, and others are below the basic level.
It is found that innovation creation for sustainable development is a key success factor. More importantly, the innovation should have been participatory developed, regarding to the real problems and making great impact on the community economy. In addition, factors affecting SEP application level enhancement are as follows; 1) using SEP indicators as a tool for community development, 2) social networking creation and management, 3) working based on information, knowledge and knowledge management, 4) being leader with desired characteristics: leadership, vision and determination, analytical thinking, transparent and moral, and 5) having good organizer or coordinator in agency.
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