Mentoring Life Cycle in an SME Business: A Qualitative Longitudinal Case Study

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Fuangfa Panya


This qualitative research was an in-depth study of mentoring practice in an SME business. The in-depth interview, non-participant observation and document analysis were utilized. Data were gathered from the longitudinal study from a business owner, managers, mentors, mentees and relevant key informants. The Template Analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings were compared with the four stages of product life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. In the introduction stage, the company decided to use the mentoring through preparation and system implementation. In the growth stage, the mentoring was successful and their employees were collaborative. In the maturity stage, the mentoring was stable and implemented continuously. In the decline stage, the SME faced several changes and inevitable decline. Using this cycle to explain the mentoring practice in an SME business helps other SMEs perceive a clear perspective and understanding of this practice, and apply it to the real situation for sustainable human resource development in SMEs. Additionally, it helps SMEs view the mentoring as a reality: happening, existing and ending.

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