The Influence of Upbringing, Communication, Attitude, and Motivation for Public Mind of Working Age Adult in Bangkok
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This study aimed to study and examine the influence of upbringing and communication through attitude and motivation for public mind of working age adult in Bangkok. This study applied Simultaneous equations model in the research. The sample were collected from 384 people with the age between 20-59 years old through online questionnaires and using 5-point Likert scale.
The result show that three forms of public mind compose of donation, giving help to strangers and volunteering influenced by upbringing and communication through attitude and motivation. The goodness of fit indexes of this study showed chi-square relative (chi-square/df) was 4.108, GFI was 0.829, CFI was 0.870, RMSEA was 0.090, SRMR was 0.076, and NFI was 0.836. The results showed that upbringing had positive indirect effect on public mind through attitude. Upbringing’s total effect was 0.107 and 64.48% of the effect was through attitude. Furthermore, communication had both positive direct effect and positive indirect effect on public mind through motivation. Communication’s total effect was 0.287 and 82.93% of the effect was direct effect. All variables in the model can explain public mind at 17.00%.
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