Integration of Green Supply Chain Management to Increase the Competitive Advantage of Community Enterprises in the Agricultural Products Processing Sector in SANUK Provinces Groups

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Wannida Sareekham
Jakret Mettathamrong
Chanthima Phromket


This research aims to 1) study the integration of green supply chain management, competitive advantage, and performance of community enterprises in the agricultural products processing sector in SANUK provinces groups and 2) study the influence of integration of environmentally green supply chains and competitive potential on performance of the agricultural products processing group in SANUK province. The samples of this research are 400 entrepreneurs of community enterprises in the agricultural products processing sector in SANUK provinces groups that consisted of Sakon Nakhon, Nakhon Phanom and Mukdahan province.  The instruments are questionnaires and data analysis using the PLS-SEM method.  The research result  found that 1) the integration of environmentally green supply chains, competitive advantage, and performance of community enterprises in the agricultural products processing sector in SANUK provinces groups consisted of an integration in the organization, customers, suppliers, cost, quality, innovation, and quick response and 2) the results of the Outer and Inner model found that the integration in the organization, customers, suppliers, cost, quality, innovation, and quick response have a direct effect on performance. In addition, the integration in the organization, customers, suppliers, cost, innovation and quick response have an indirect effect to the performance of environmentally green supply in the agricultural products processing sector in SANUK provinces groups.

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