The Status of Perspectives and Challenges of TVET for the National Human Resource Development (NHRD) in Myanmar

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Win Htein Win


Globally Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has been identified as a major contributor to the National Human Resource Development (NHRD). Many countries have started to acknowledge TVET as a major driving force for sustainable development. However, capitalizing on the potential of TVET requires in-depth understanding of the status and challenges of the existing TVET system and programs as well as various perspectives and views from all stakeholders. The purpose of this study was to explore the status of perspectives and challenges of TVET for NHRD in Myanmar. The study grounded investigations to answer the question; what is the status of perspectives and challenges of TVET in Myanmar. The study applied qualitative research methodology since it provided the researcher with the latitude to answer questions and explore participants' knowledge and experiences in Myanmar. This exploratory qualitative research has been done through case study approach to gain the in-depth understanding of TVET status and challenges in Myanmar. The study utilized a targeted review of literature, analysis of government and INGO documents. Additionally, the study applied purposive sampling to identify participants and interviews with 35 key stakeholders from both demand and supply sides as illustrative sources of evidence for developing the case study. The study revealed that the current context requires Myanmar to pay more attention to vocational training as a tool to develop its human resources in light of the capacity needs for driving the economy. Moreover, it adds to the small but growing literature on NHRD in Myanmar context.

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