Influence of Curiosity Characteristics on Employees Creativity: A Serial Mediation Analysis with Creative Self-Efficacy and Psychological Safety
Main Article Content
The purposes of this study were to investigate (1) the relationships between curiosity characteristics, creative self-efficacy, psychological safety and creativity of employees and (2) the serial mediating roles of creative self-efficacy and psychological safety in the relationships between curiosity characteristics and creativity of employees. The samples of this study were 308 employees of the private organizations in Thailand who have worked for at least one year. The reliabilities of the scales (Cronbach’s alpha) were from .66 to .90. This research used Pearson correlation coefficient to study the relationships between variables and used hierarchical multiple regression analysis and bootstrap method to test the hypotheses and the mediation effect in the model 6 of process macro of Hayes (2013). This study found that curiosity characteristics had the partial mediation effect on employees’ creativity significantly when having the creative self-efficacy and the psychological safety as continuous mediators.
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