Three-Way Interaction Effects between Challenge Job Demands, Work Autonomy, and Strengths Use on Flow at Work

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Natchanan Tanwisut
Jennifer Chavanovanich


This research aimed to study flow at work upon job demands-resources theory by examining the three-way interactions between challenge job demands, work autonomy and strengths use on flow at work. It was hypothesized that when challenge job demand is high, high strengths use may help employees with high work autonomy experience greater flow at work, compared to low strengths use. Data were collected from 222 employees working in private companies in Thailand and analyzed by using a hierarchical multiple regression. The result showed a significant three-way interaction effect where a positive relationship between challenge job demands and flow at work was found when employees have high strengths use and low decision-making autonomy, but not high autonomy as hypothesized. Strengths use, therefore, may not play an important role for employees with high autonomy in this research, but it is an important resource for employees under a low decision-making autonomy condition that increases flow at work when facing high challenge job demands.

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Research Articles
Author Biographies

Natchanan Tanwisut, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University

Master Student of Human Resource and Work Psychology Program, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University

Jennifer Chavanovanich, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University

Lecturer and Chairperson of Human Resource and Work Psychology Program, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University


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