The Influence of Ethical Leadership on Workplace Well-Being: A Parallel Serial Mediation Model

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Chuchai Smithikrai
Sakbordin Kanmano
Sai Apaiso


The present study aims to examine the influence of ethical leadership on workplace well-being. This study also investigates the serial mediating role of career adaptability, work engagement and work-life balance. The sample comprised of 436 persons working in public and private organizations located in Chiang Mai and Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The research instruments consisted of 6 measures and a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis were descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, and a parallel serial mediation analysis. The results indicate that ethical leadership directly influences workplace well-being. In addition, ethical leadership indirectly influences workplace well-being via 2 paths of serial mediation: (1) career adaptability and work engagement, and (2) career adaptability and work-life balance.

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