The Effect of Job Crafting Intervention on Meaningful Work: The Mediating Role of Person-job Fit
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This research aimed to study the effect of the job crafting intervention on meaningful work through the mediating effect of person-job fit. The quasi-experimental field research with the two-group pretest-posttest design was used to compare pretest and posttest scores between the experimental group and the control group. The sample consisted of 54 employees from an organization located in Bangkok, Thailand by which 26 participants were in the experimental group, and 28 were in the control group. The experimental group received the job crafting intervention program that was developed by using the Job Crafting Exercise (JCE) and based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model. The results of the independent t-test showed that, in the experimental group, the levels of job crafting behavior, person-job fit, and meaningful work increased significantly after receiving the intervention program. On the other hand, no significant changes in the scores were found in the control group. The results testing the mediating effect using the PROCESS macro found the indirect effect of the job crafting intervention program on meaningful work which was fully mediated by the person-job fit. It can be concluded that the job crafting intervention program could increase the level of meaningful work through person-job fit.
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