The Role of Job-matching in Online Job Application Quality Indicators
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This research studied online job application quality indicators to examine their role in enhancing efficiency in matching job-seekers with employers. Systematic, data, service, usability, and user satisfaction quality variables were used. Quantitative research was conducted based on 400 working-age samples with bachelor's degrees or higher educational levels hired at least once by job application (app). 200 of these obtained entry-level positions through app A and the remaining supervisory posts through app B. Data was collected by questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics and multiple regression, as well as interviews with relevant job app company personnel.
Results were that samples located and applied for jobs by online apps in a one to two month timeframe. Main filter features included career path, location, qualification, and salary. Data, service, and usability were quality indicators that affect job matching for app A samples of entry-level positions, whereas app B samples of supervisory positions employed systematic, information, and user satisfaction as quality metrics. Both groups equally valued information quality. Online apps worked effectively for easy-to-fill vacancies where candidates possessed professional qualifications set forth by employers, easy commutes, and market average proposed salaries. However, for positions requiring advanced skills, job seekers rarely matched employer requirements. Therefore, access to this group of workers through external labor market-based online job apps was only partial.
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