Motivation and commitment of gig workers on knowledge-sharing platforms in China: The moderating roles of having a full-time jobsharing platforms in China: moderating roles of having a full-time job

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Liqian Yang


This research investigated the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation associated with gig workers' commitment to knowledge-sharing platforms. The study also explored whether gig workers with or without a full-time job play a moderating role. To collect data, an online self-administered survey was used, and the respondents are gig workers from China's six largest knowledge-sharing platforms. The study ultimately received 816 valid responses. The partial least squares structural equation modeling regression was applied for data analysis. The results found that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are positively associated with gig workers' commitment to knowledge-sharing platforms. Moreover, it found an interesting result that gig workers who do not have a full-time job have a negative moderating effect on intrinsic motivation and commitment. It was also found that gig workers who do not have a full-time job have a stronger positive moderating effect between extrinsic motivation and commitment.

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