Dimensions Affecting Transfer of Short Training Program among Professional Nurses: A Case Study at The Nursing Department of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
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This research studied the dimensions for transfer of training of the professional nurses. The objectives of this study are: 1) examining the dimensions that support the transfer of training to practices; 2) discovering the guidelines to assist transfer of training among the nurses at the Nursing Department, the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital who participated in the training programs. This study employed the qualitative research method using the in-depth interviews. The interviews were conducted with 52 participants that were categorized into: 1) professional nurses; 2) lower-level managerial nurses, and 3) middle-level managerial nurses (nurse inspectors). The results revealed emerging dimensions that were both in-line and not in-line with the traditional practices. The findings also revealed 4 influential factors to transfer of training including attributes of the trainees, motivation factors, working environment, and personal self-efficacy. Discussion and recommendation are provided at the end.
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