Applying Serious Leisure in Developing the Curriculum to Strengthen Growth Mindset
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A growth mindset is one of the most frequently mentioned goals of human resource development. A growth mindset could affect employees’ professionalism, performance, creativity, and positive relationships at work. However, HRD mainly focuses on work-based approaches. According to the previous research, serious leisure could be utilized as an approach and tool to yield HRD results. Integrating HRD with leisure studies could benefit both academia and practice for both disciplines. This study holds two objectives: 1. to apply serious leisure in developing a curriculum to strengthen a growth mindset, performed through systematic literature review, need analysis of stakeholders, and prototype development and verification, and 2. to test the newly developed curriculum through quasi-experimental design research. Data were collected from learners were analyzed statistically. The results reveal a significant change in learners’ level of serious leisure behavior and level of growth mindset, especially after they had been through the whole process of the curriculum, including knowledge development, reflection, workshop and group activities, and learning by doing. The results can benefit scholars and practitioners. The important elements and mechanisms of the curriculum were reported for implications. Also, the outcomes of implementing this curriculum are reported to be successful in strengthening learners’ serious leisure behaviors and growth mindset. The implications can be performed in either academia to nurture the collaboration between the field of HRD and leisure studies, or practices in using the newly developed curriculum in developing employees.
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