Effectiveness of a Program for Enhancing Employee Resilience among Employees in the Jewelry Manufacturing and Export Industry: A Pilot Study

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Kirana Dheva-aksorn
Korkiat Mahaveerachartkul


Resilience is one of the widely studied attributes for coping with the turbulence and complexity of the 21st-century world. However, research on employee resilience within organizational contexts is still relatively scarce. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a program for enhancing employee resilience based on experiential learning using a pre-experimental research method. The participants consisted of 20 employees from the jewelry manufacturing and export industry currently grappling with manpower shortages and reduced work efficiency. The research instruments included the employee resilience program and the employee resilience questionnaire. Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were employed for data analysis. The analysis revealed that participants exhibited higher levels of employee resilience after participating in the program, and in the follow-up period, indicating that the program indeed enhances employee resilience. Consequently, trainers, consultants, and human resource development staff can utilize this program to effectively develop the resilience of employees to recover from the complexity and fluctuations of organizations of the 21st century.

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