Communication for Research Utilizing: Living Organic Farming -- Story Telling Through the Thinking of Yasothorn People
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The research project aims to 1) enhance the learning process that leads to communication for local development; 2) provide an opportunity for community members and students in Communication Arts program to participate in planning and creating the community medias for a developing a body knowledge in organic farming; and 3) help distribute Thailand Research Fund’s findings on organic farming by using community medias. The methodology used in this project is participatory communication at preparation stage, production stage and post production stage. The purposive sampling include, firstly, a total of 45 members from three communities, namely Bak-Ruea farmers group in Mahachanachai district, Na-So farmers group in Kut Chum district, and Krachai rice-community enterprise group in Pa Tio district, Yasothorn province. The second sampling group was 20 lectures and students in Communication Arts program Surin Rajabhat University. The study identifies three patterns of learning process for local communication and development among community members and the students in Communication Arts. These include the Klon-lam media (the local poetic work), the specialization media (a book), and the radio documentary media. The three media forms establish ways to publicize in the community the organic farming research findings under Thailand Research Fund. Such mechanism raise awareness of community members on organic farming and contributes to an integration of research, pedagogy, and university academic services.
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