Community Participation in Adding Value to Rajamangala Isan Village’s Rice Paddy Seeds: Ban Sala, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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Established in 2012 from the RMUTI’s academic outreach service, Rajamangala Isan Village “Ban Sala”, has operated to support the local community and farmers. The objectives of this project are to encourage collaboration between RMUTI’s scholars and Ban Sala community members in mitigating problems in rice production processes, and increasing rice’s added-value and productivity, as well as enhancing the locals’ quality of life. The King’s Philosophy and business administration theory and concept (i.e., management, marketing, and accounting approach based on the participatory action research model) are integrated for problem-solving process. Project outcomes are measured by productivity, community satisfaction, and life quality of community’s members. By conducting the project, the proposed model has reportedly increased Ban Sala community’s income, as indicated by the statistical data from 2015 to 2018, showing a total of 540 tons of rice, accounting for an income of 12,020,000 Baht. Moreover, customers’ demand for Ban Sala brand’s rice paddy seeds is constantly increasing annually. Two ways to reduce farming process problems include 1) increasing productivity, and 2) reducing the process costs by using biological substances to prevent insects, using organic fertilizers, and inventing agricultural machinery suitable for the locals. As a result of this operation, the rice yield increases from 400 kg/rai to 600 - 800 kg/rai. Ban Sala community’s members are satisfied with the proposed model which has also enhanced their quality of life. Furthermore, the implementation of this project has also created farmer model for sufficiency economy through community participation, resulting in sustainable community development.
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