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Development of Integrated Learning Management Model for enhancing competence in technical education learning : A case study of Department of Electrical Power, Phetchaburi Technical College, Petchaburi Province
This research aims to develop the integrated learning management model for enhancing competency in technical education learning by using the participatory action research method. From the research area of Petchaburi Technical College and industries nearby, the participants who provided the related information were composed of electricians, electrical engineers from industries, administrators, teachers and students from the department of electrical power, Phetchaburi Technical College. The research procedures were composed of 4 phases starting from 1) occupational competence analysis. 2) development of the integrated learning management model for enhancing professional competency, 3) application of the developed model to the samples consisting of 15 students from the department of electrical power and 4) results and conclusions. Data collection methods were based on participant observation, in-depth interview, questionnaire, and data analyses from frequency, percentage, and t-test.
The research finding were 1) the developed integrated learning management model enhancing competence was at high level of appropriateness. 2) the students learnt with the developed model could obtain their competences as from the criteria, 3) learning achievement was improved, 4) students’ satisfaction in the developed model were in the highest level. As the result, this developed learning management model could be applied to the technical education system in order to manage the learning instruction effectively.
The result indicated that the teachers realized the importance of integration to manage teaching and learning model effectively, because, their college administrators applied this model to promote the development of their teaching and learning management. So, this developed model could be further applied to technical education.
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