Design guidelines of joints technique to appropriate structure of Contemporary Small Residential Bamboo Structures

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นิศารัตน์ ทองประไพ
ยุทธนา ทองท้วม


    Bamboo now becomes a more important substitute for wood, as it is widely accepted in Southeast Asia. The obvious thing is the meaning of creating a background image. There is a change in the preferred format for fixing this issue so that it's possible. There are some problems in resolving the issue. Individuals interested in building a bamboo house can study the methods and practices as set forth in the Handbook of Intellectual Property. Sign in to find a design solution to find a way to heal. Can be used in the only thing to be aware of in the radius, the rest is connected to the antenna. It is easy to change the parts that should be able to disassemble the received parts for quicker access.


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