Soft Power for Tourism Promotion Management in Taladphlu Community
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The “soft power” is used to refer to transliteration “Cultural power” that is hidden in various activities in the context of public policy implementation by communicating strategically in the form of campaigns and public relations to civil society at all levels to be aware to make those under this power concept Values according to the goals of the established strategy. The values according to goal of the established strategy with a charming way create a visual delight ready to be part of cooperation because it is accepted rather than the use of force from the “hard power”.
The objectives of this research are: (1) study soft powers that promote cultural tourism in Talatphlu community; (2) explore cultural tourism routes of Chinese communities in Bangkok. This paper is mixed methods research which was qualitative and qualitative are involved. The methods used for qualitative data collection in the depth interviews and focus groups meeting consisted of the three participants in the event providing cultural tourism activities for Talatphlu community tourism promotion, two participants in professional in business owner, one participant who stay in Talatphlu community, one participant who is a historian community. The surveys were collected by 60 respondents of Thai tourists.
The result from the qualitative research found that the pull of culture attractions in “Talatphlu” which is an old Chinese community in Bangkok where the “soft Power” that powers to build culture, traditions and beliefs becomes something of tourism market value. The visitors can touch the experience historical and cultural heritage which walking tourism activity in this community by walking tour street for to see religious sites in Talatphlu community. Therefore, the tourists get to experience the dimensions of religion and belief which is the soft power in accessing community-based tourism attractions.
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