The Study of Mindfulness of Death Form in Risk Areas of Phrakru Wisitphrommakhun (Somchai Chotiwaro), Wat Phromniwat, Bangnak Sub-district, Maung District, Narathiwat Province


  • Prasert Chompromma Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isaan Campus
  • Prachan Chachikul Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isaan Campus
  • Phattharachai Uthaphun Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isaan Campus


Buddhism, Risk Areas, Mindfullness of Death


This research had the objectives to study; 1) the forms of mindfulness death teaching in Buddhism, 2) form of mindfulness teaching of Phrakru Wisitphrommakhun, the abbot of Watphromniwat, Bannak sub-district, Muang district, Narathiwat province, and 3) the analysis of mindfulness death teaching of Phrakru Wisitphrommakhun, the abbot of Watphromniwat, Bannak sub-district, Muang district, Narathiwat province. This research is documentary research by studied from textbooks and related documents including the in-depth interview.

The results were as follows: 1) The form of mindfulness of death in Buddhism is the way to know the being creatures that create from various factors of concretion and abstraction. All of these factors come together called life, and death is the end of the natural cycle. The mindfulness of death is one of the ways to reach enlightenment  2) Phrakru Wisitphromakhun (SomchaiChotiwaro) has worked in risk areas such as Pattani province, Yala province, and Narathiwat province that are the insurgent region. He taught the people in the region to think that the death is permanent,and we cannot avoid the death. For this reason, he decided to work in a risk area from Nakhonratchasima province in 2007 3)The form of mindfulness death teaching caused by exploding bomb on 22nd October 2009 during going for alms. His robe was splashed with blood, and he was injured from shrapnel that embedded at the center of eyes control. He felt blurry, and he always teach mindfulness of death every day by donating a coffin and teach mindfulness of death.


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How to Cite

Chompromma, P., Chachikul, P., & Uthaphun, P. (2020). The Study of Mindfulness of Death Form in Risk Areas of Phrakru Wisitphrommakhun (Somchai Chotiwaro), Wat Phromniwat, Bangnak Sub-district, Maung District, Narathiwat Province. Buddhamagga, 5(2), 150–157. Retrieved from