The Development of Instructional Model based on Constructivism and Connectivism to Create Innovation in Real World Experience
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The purposes of this research were to: (1) analysis and synthesis conceptual of Instructional Model based on constructivism and connectivism to create Innovation in real world experience (2) to develop the Instructional Model and (3) to study the effects of implementing the develop instructional model. The research procedure comprised (1) to analyze and synthesize of instructional model , (2) to develop of instructional model, (3) Assessment forms created by a proper assessment of the model through the consensus of experts from five people, (4) implementation of revised recommendations and to assess the suitability of the instructional model by the six experts and (5) to study the results of usng the model. The samples used for experiment were undergraduate students from Faculry of Science and Technology, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, the probability evaluated from a simple random sampling with learn subject in Learning Management in Computer courses and Object Oriented Programming Principles courses were 125 students. The research results indicated that: (1) The instructional model based on constructivism and connectivism to create Innovation in real world experience was called “C2I Model” which is consisted as follows: Connectivism, Constructivism and Innovation in the real world. (2) The main conclusion drawn from this study is that the experts agreed with the objective of this study which aimed at designing and developing the C2I model. The overall mean of their opinions was high level ( = 4.43, S.D = 0.42), which means that they strongly agreed with the quality of this instructional model. (3) The experimental results of using an experiential students satisfaction was at a high level (
= 4.27, S.D = 0.41) in overall. Moreover, both subjects score of satisfaction with Learning Management in Computer courses and Object Oriented Programming Principles courses was not different.
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