The Models of Participation in Development of Laborer Skills of Local Administrative Organization in Nakhon Chaiburin Provincial Group

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เมตต์ เมตต์การุณ์จิต


The objectives of this research were as follows: (1) to study opinions of people involved with development of laborer skills and concerned people in local administrative organizations toward participation in development of laborer skills of local administrative organizations in Nakhon Chaiburin Provincial Group; (2) to study guidelines for participation in development of laborer skills of local administrative organizations in Nakhon Chaiburin Provincial Group; and (3) to create models of participation in development of laborer skills of local administrative organizations in Nakhon Chaiburin Provincial Group.

This research was a mixed-method research employing both the qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.  In the qualitative study, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews of 22 persons involved with development of laborer skills and those concerned with local administrative organizations in order to obtain in-depth information.  In the quantitative study, the researcher used a questionnaire to survey opinions of persons involved with local administrative organizations.  The questionnaire was a 5-scale rating questionnaire with open space at the end of each question item for respondents to express their additional opinions.  The survey population comprised 1,806 people involved with local administrative organizations, while the survey sample consisted of 320 people obtained by simple random sampling.  After that, the researcher drafted models of participation in development of laborer skills based on the obtained research information, and then submitted them to experts for verification and approval.

           As for research results, three models of participation in development of laborer skills of local administrative organizations in Nakhon Chaiburin Provincial Group were obtained.  In the First Model, the local administrative organizations organize the training, with coordination for receiving supports in terms of resource persons from provincial laborer skills development institutions/centers or other concerned agencies.  In the Second Model, the provincial laborer skills development institutions/centers or other concerned agencies organize the training, with coordination with local administrative organizations to recruit the trainees.  In the Third Model, the Laborer Skills Development Department proposes the Project for Establishment of Community Technical Skills Center in Honor of His Majesty the King to the Local Administration Department to adopt as the national agenda for coordination with local administrative organizations throughout the country to establish at least one community technical skills center for each district.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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